
Showing posts from December, 2020

7. The Brothers Jib

noun singular proper noun: Jib A little known alleyway or pathway that connects two existing routes. Limited commonality as it is only known and shared by a few.  To move in the most efficient manner through a busy city.              e.g. Let’s take the Jib behind Waterstones verb Verb: To jib,  e.g. “Hang fire I’m jibbing all the way” Origin Late 1980’s The Bradshaw Brothers       The bus heaved itself around the corner of Portland Street on its way to Piccadilly bus station in the cold late morning of Christmas Eve 1988.  It was laden with an elite squadron of lost souls primed to attack their town armed with the last paycheck before the big day. There was only one mission, to find something, buy it,  wrap it and stick it under the tree at home then allow some spurious bastard called Santa Claws to take all the credit. Looking through the poorly scribbled happy faces on an upstairs window of...

6. A Postcard from Brain Hell

     You last found me prancing around topiary versions of giant smiling Pacman heads, throwing petals over my shoulder that transformed into butterflies before they hit the ground. I had spent a month and a half off booze and was convinced I would stay this happy forever in the pink cloud. Well you guessed it I didn’t look where I was going and ended up feeling like I had just walked off the side of a cliff. For no reason that I can pinpoint my mood changed and I was outflanked by sadness. The first day after posting th e last blog I felt a little numb. Things weren’t right but things weren’t bad. The second day three lots of exercise had only generated enough endorphin s to fill a gnat’s thimble. HITT training followed by an hour of yoga followed by a 25 mile bike ride. There was nothing. My superstition started to kick in and I thought by posting a Blog about how happy I was I had basically laid down the gauntlet to the universe to do its worse. And thank you the next ...